A lot of people have to rely on other people to understand themselves. It is like they need someone there to let them know who they really are. Those people are usually the ones that have more than others. But there are more people that do not need anyone else in order to understand themselves. Amir and Hassan are two perfect examples of each. Amir needs someone to tell him who he is to understand himself better. Hassan on the other hand does everything on his own and does not need anyone in order to understand himself.
Amir is a perfect example of someone that needs others in order to understand himself. He always had Baba there to support him with every little thing. He also had Hassan, his servant, save him a couple of times against the older kids in the story. And as the taxi driver said “You are a tourist here in your own country”. Amir always had everything he wanted. He lived high class while he was living in Kabul with servants and a nice house. Amir never had to work for something he wanted. He always got what he wanted either through his servants or Baba. Without Baba, Hassan, and Rahim Khan, Amir would have never been able to understand who he really was. Those were the people that he relied on the most. While in America Amir changes and starts to make it on his own. He graduates from high school and published two books on his own. What possibly changed Amir was witnessing his father die because his father was the one he looked up too and he earned everything on his own.
Hassan did not need anyone to prove who he really was. But also Hassan did not really have anybody there for him like Amir did. Hassan had to earn everything on his own throughout the story. He was an excellent servant that did exactly what he was told to do. Hassan was a hard worker and never complained or asked for too much. He respected Amir and Baba and always seemed to impress them. As a man, Hassan was just as hard working as he was when he was a child. He provided for his wife and child and he was an excellent father and husband to them. Earning everything on his own really shows that Hassan grew up not needing any others to understand who he really is.
The Kite Runner shows great differences between Hassan and Amir. They both are very interesting characters in the story. Hassan had nothing and Amir had everything. Amir could read and write but Hassan unfortunately could not. When Hassan was older in the story he learns how to read and write. That was a perfect example of dedication and hard work from someone who had nothing, With only a little help, Hassan managed to learn how to read and write. People should not have to rely on others in order to better understand themselves. But even the most hard working people need a little help now and then.